Just GivingOnline donations can be made through 'Just Giving'. Please use the tool to the right to make a donation to the The Family Food Bank.
Please note that Children & Families is the charity that operates the Family Food Bank. If you would like to set up your own fundraising campaign for is then please follow this link www.justgiving.com/childrenandfamilies |
Please make cheques payable to: Family Food Bank
If you would like to donate cash, make a bank transfer or set up a standing order then please speak to a member of the team using the details below: Address: Unit 4, St Johns Court, Foster Road, Ashford Business Park, Ashford, TN24 0SJ. Phone: 01233 500477 Email: [email protected] |
If you are looking to donate food, below is a list of food which we are currently short of:
- Tinned Meat (Curry, Chilli, Meat Balls, Hot Dogs, Pies, etc.) - Tinned Veg (Peas, Carrots, Potatoes, etc.) - Tinned Fish - Tinned Desserts (Fruit, Custard, Rice Pudding, etc.) - Soups (Tinned & Packets) - Tinned Potatoes - Dried Rice/Pasta - Sauces (Jars - Pasta, Curry, Chilli, etc) - Long Life Milk - Tea/Coffee - Cereal - Biscuits - Preservatives - Hygiene & Baby Products Please take any donations directly to our warehouse: Unit 4, St Johns Court Foster Road Ashford Business Park Ashford, Kent TN24 0SJ Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4.00pm Or to your nearest Distribution Centre, which can be located by clicking here. We do not require you to purchase branded/expensive items; often the cheapest and simplest items are what we are most short of. Finally we can only accept food that is in date, and that has not passed its Use By or Best Before Date. |
If you would like to volunteer with us please get in touch:
Phone: 01233 500477 Email: [email protected] |
By joining easyfundraising.org.uk you can raise money for us when you do your shopping online. To register with them and support us please click on the button on the or visit: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/familyfoodbank
Our parent charity Children & Families are registered with Amazon Smile. Amazon Smile is the same as Amazon.co.uk, but acts a charity portal, meaning every time you shop through the Smile Portal, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your spend to us a charity - and it doesn't cost you anything! All you need to do is link your account to our charity (Children & Families Ltd) and away you go! Please click on the button on the right to explore this further.
Family Food BankAddress: Unit 4, St Johns Court, Ashford Business Park, Ashford, Kent, TN24 0SJ
Tel: 01233 500477 Email: [email protected] The Family Food Bank is part of the Children and Families Group. Charity Registration No: 1115459 Registered in England & Wales, Company No: 04615904 Registered Address: Seashells, Rose Street, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 1AW |